Feature Ideas

  1. GL Consistency Review - One Time Ignore for Irregular Transaction

    When Setting Up the Configuration there are times that for a Supplier there is a Irregular Entry Made to a Different Account and you want to leave it that way but still clear it from the GL Consistency Review as it is reviewed. The key is that You also want it to be flagged if any future entries end up in this account. If you had an "Accept Once Time" or "Ignore Irregularity" Button that would be super helpful! It would allow the items to show as reviewed and cleared from the overall list, but at the same time the system would still flag entries here in future months.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  2. Apply payments

    The ability to apply payments to ap or ar that are just sitting out there

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  3. Be able to notify the client when financials are ready to be viewed in the portal

    It would be great to be able to send financials to the client directly from the portal. After we use the portal to clean up the books and finalize them, there is often the additional step of pulling and formatting financials on our own. If there was a way to eliminate that step and send a link to the client where they can review and download their monthly financials (PnL, PnL by Class, Balance Sheet, etc.) in a click of a button, that would be helpful!

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  4. Due date based on business day

    Hi, can we be able to set due dates based on business day instead of having to set an actual date. Example; we close client books by the 10th business day which the actual day of the month is different each month. If that's not possible, it would be helpful to be able to update the due dates for all clients at once.

    #Improvement 👍


  5. Reset checklist for recurring tasks

    When we have recurring tasks with checklists (which we treat as subtasks) they are already marked as complete when the main tasks reappears. Would love for this to reset so that it starts this version of the task over.

    Keila H


  6. Archive Clients

    It would be great to be able to Archive clients that we are no longer engaged with, so that we don't have to pay for them but at the least, all the communications and the To-do's are saved.

    Angel P
    #Improvement 👍


  7. Request W9 from vendor in Xenett 1099 module.

    #New Feature


  8. Customizable Client Dashboard

    Add a section on the client Dashboard where you can store additional information about the client for easy access i.e. contact information, business number, due dates, links, notes, etc. that you need to refer to regularly while working on the client.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  9. Receipt Management

    Anyone who manages receipts for clients would benefit rather than having to use hubdoc or a similar service. If the clients could easily upload them into their portal, they could be stored in a receipt folder where we could add tags to them and attach them to a corresponding expense.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  10. Calendar View for To-Do Items

    In addition to the list, we'd like to be able to view a calendar view of the items and maybe able to drag them to different days right from there. Is that something Xenett could do?

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  11. Alert when the balances get changed

    Email or text alerts when bank balances are below or above certain thresholds. Thanks

    #New Feature


  12. Intercompany Balance Checks

    We have multiple related companies that have inter-company balances (due to/due from). It would be really great to have a screen where we could see the accounts side by side for each client. For example, we'd see the "Due To" from one set of books next to the "Due From" from the other company books. All the info should already be in Xenett since both companies are linked.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  13. Create Tie Out WorkBook

    Utilize the Review Checklist to build out a Tie Out Workbook. Balance Sheet followed by reference tabs for each line item with proof documents. Example - bank & credit card stmts, lease documents for security deposit receivable, fixed asset purchase docs, loan docs, etc. Basically each line item links to a subsequent tab with the relevant proof that ties out. Followed by P&L with related tabs and then General Ledger at the end. Also P&L by Class/Location, Stmt of Cash Flows, KPI Dashboard page. A living document that rolls each month to house all kinds of related information, documents, etc. Basically it's auditable and 100% ready for tax.

    #New Feature


  14. Summary of All Comments

    I'd like to be able to run a report of all comments, include which task / client the comment related to, who made the comment and when, who resolved the comment and the actual detail of the comment.

    #New Feature


  15. Task Audit Log Summary

    I would like to be able to run a report of all tasks (to-do or close) showing me the details and history of the task, such as the assignee, the status, and the date of all changes. For example, a task has been assigned to me with a due date of 3/31. I marked the task complete on 3/30. Or the task was assigned to me, then assigned to another employee. I can run an audit log on each task individually but I want to be able to run a report that would give me this info all tasks.

    #New Feature
