Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaAbility to assign/mention a team member on a client request
Tag, Assign or mention a team member on a thread so that we can get their attention to reply on that tread. Sample:
Support#Questions/Client Portal1
Highlight on clickable field or requested field on Client portal
The issue is that sometimes the client gets confused about which field they need to update, especially when coding for Sales Receipts. We've received many tickets from the team saying they can't choose the account for a Sales Receipt, but in reality, they need to select the product/service. It would be helpful if you could highlight the clickable field that the client needs to choose. For example, when we ask the client for the account and class, the system should highlight the Account and Class fields for Deposits and Expenses, and highlight the Product/Service field for Sales Receipts.
Desktop version for xenett with real-time pop up notifications
Sometimes email notifications have delay, We noticed that when someone messages us through the portal we won't get notified until 30 mins - 1 hr later. Also, there is no sound when notification comes through. Sometimes we open lots of windows that it's hard to find the xenett website. I suggest there is an option to download desktop app for windows/mac so we can easily pin the xenett app in the taskbar and will also have option to get notification with sound like a ding or something and there is also an option to mute it. It would also be helpful to see the number of notifications if notification is enabled in the desktop app something like slack, please see attached screenshot. Thanks!
Support#Questions/Client Portal1
P&L by Month in a published Performance Report
Hello, I would like to be able to give my client access to the reports that I see in the Client Dashboard, especially the "Profit & Loss Snapshot". This would be helpful for illustrating trends in income and expenses for the past 6-12 months. "Business Snapshot" shows them something but not P&L by month. Thank you.
Kelben#Misc 🤷0
Automatically start the next close month
I would love for a feature to turn on that would automatically generate the next month close once it is the 1st of the month regardless if the previous month close was completed. I.e. a client is set up to close monthly and when it is March 1st have Xenett automatically populate the February close so that they don't have to be started manually within the client each month. Or if they are set up quarterly, once the 1st of the month of the following quarter comes have the previous quarter close automatically populate.
Briana C#Tasks/Close1
QOL Update: Using Tab to switch between fields in the portal
I have gotten feedback from clients that use Tab to move between fields quickly in other software and they asked if that could be added here for a better quality of life.
Zack#Tasks/Close#Questions/Client Portal1
Close ToDo Integrate with Normal ToDo
In the close, when a preparer is assigned, a normal todo should be created too. Multiple preparers could work on the same account or same client for different balance sheet accounts. They will be able to see what they need to finish ( reconcile this account, or prepare the statement) in their normal todo list without entering the close mode to search what they need to do.
Silu L0
Search ToDo by Client
When i search client name in all todos, all tasks related to specific client can pop out. So we dont need to click into client's profile to see all related todos. Easier for teams meeting together and see task completion status for specific client
Silu L#Tasks/Close0
Setting to be able to save how you want to view your To-Dos
I would like a setting to be able to save how you want to view your To-Dos. When I open my To-Dos, I would like them to be sorted by Due Date. Currently, I have to click on Due Date every time that I open the To-Do page. I think you should be able to set your "view" options and save it so that it opens the same way every time, like Asana does.
See All Recurring ToDo that assigned to me
KPI creation
With the KPI cards, it would be nice to be able to create a KPI formula page. So one page, different titles for each section, different formula for each section For instance: (Revenue - COGS)/Revenue Net income/revenue Labor Costs/revenue Etc. All on one page.
Erica P0
The ability for clients to split totals between accounts and classes
Many times, clients require a transaction total to be split across a couple of accounts and classes, and right now can only use comments to indicate that. Having the split option available would make their process more efficient and accurate, and increase their satisfaction with the Portal.
Merima B1
Customizable Client Dashboard
Add a section on the client Dashboard where you can store additional information about the client for easy access i.e. contact information, business number, due dates, links, notes, etc. that you need to refer to regularly while working on the client.
Receipt Management
Anyone who manages receipts for clients would benefit rather than having to use hubdoc or a similar service. If the clients could easily upload them into their portal, they could be stored in a receipt folder where we could add tags to them and attach them to a corresponding expense.
Calendar View for To-Do Items
In addition to the list, we'd like to be able to view a calendar view of the items and maybe able to drag them to different days right from there. Is that something Xenett could do?